The Cold Chain: Balancing Technology and Sustainability


Effective cold chain management is essential for a company’s competitiveness in the market. Investing in cutting-edge technologies ensures perfect product preservation without neglecting employee well-being. A balance between operational efficiency and comfort enables companies to create an optimal working environment.

Thermal insulation is becoming increasingly central to design because it ensures significant energy savings that also benefit the environment. Maintaining the internal temperature as constant as possible, creating a comfortable environment, involves several factors, including the characteristics of the external structure as well as the insulating performance of doors and windows.

In the industrial sector, this aspect is fundamental to the success of a company and becomes a strategic design element from production to logistics. Maintaining a constant temperature below -18°C is often a necessity for optimal preservation of food sector products as well as in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological fields. This requirement translates into the adoption of high-level technologies for cold chain management. At the same time, in some environments, to protect the well-being of workers, maintaining a comfortable temperature is a goal to be achieved with maximum energy savings.

4.0 Technology for Total Insulation

The continuously evolving needs of consumers are a constant push for the evolution of processing and storage systems for cold-sensitive products. Recent trends confirm the growth in demand for refrigerated storage foods and, to ensure temperature standards even below -30°C throughout the production chain, technologies are refining highly insulating solutions.

During the production phase, refrigeration systems like freezers and refrigerators must be controlled by temperature monitoring devices. Temperature sensors and remote monitoring systems contribute to keeping the thermal value constant during product processing, allowing for timely intervention in case of unforeseen events.

A fundamental choice for supply chain management then concerns closures, which from a potential point of weakness can become an element that essentially contributes to maintaining a constant temperature. Infiltrations and dispersions disappear thanks to the adoption of thermal fittings with various insulating thickness options. Thanks to cutting-edge solutions, from data collection with artificial intelligence to the adoption of modern insulation technologies, reducing energy consumption and the costs of maintaining internal temperature is a concrete opportunity to improve a company’s financial resource management and protect the environment.


To optimize thermal and acoustic insulation, Breda offers the industrial door Secura, to which the special Frost thermal fitting can be applied. Thanks to the internal coating of the cover, with a total thickness ranging from 68 to 83 millimeters, the door ensures perfect insulation.
The comfort of employees and the efficiency of the cold chain are two objectives that can commonly be achieved with a complete perimeter sealing of the environments. In this regard, Breda has made it possible for Secura to integrate the guides and the lintel with double lip front seals and single lip side seals. This closure with maximum insulating potential also guarantees many customization possibilities and can be implemented with various sliding systems, depending on the installation characteristics.


Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Design

Reducing energy consumption in the most energy-intensive sectors is a corporate priority in line with the UN Agenda 2030 goals. With its complex temperature management system, for example, the food industry alone accounts for 25% of total energy consumption. Improving thermal insulation is therefore the most important step to avoid waste and ensure high-quality standards with a lower environmental impact.

If the goal of energy sustainability is shared by many companies, the ways in which it can be concretely achieved vary according to needs. The solutions to consider depend on the energy needs of different industrial plants.
One aspect to universally consider for reducing thermal exchange with the exterior is the speed of closures. The breakdown of the cold chain due to the inefficiency of an access door to some productions can compromise consumer health and safety and lead to significant losses both financially and environmentally.


Breda enthusiastically accepts the challenge of energy efficiency and proposes the innovative Thunder fast aluminum closure, which combines instant opening with out-performing thermal and acoustic insulation properties.
The double-wall panels with a thickness of 50 millimeters cater to every insulation need, adapting to different work environments, from cold chain rooms to spaces that require a constant temperature. In every context, with Breda, efficiency is synonymous with sustainability.